Amateur photography - It's More than a Passion

  Hello there, thank you for visiting this site and I hope you consider the services available to you for any photographic needs you may require either today or in the future. 

Where to begin...   I guess at the start,  My name is Ryan Benson, I have been studying and doing photography for the last 6 years and it has intrigued me and I have always worked of this belief of my own devising..

'Pictures capture moments in time, the presentation of emotion, the portrayal of beauty and the feelings of not only the occupants of the taken photograph but also that of everyone looking at it at future moments, taking that one look and visualizing them self in the moment'.

My love of photography is a large part of my life. It consumes me and also is a great way to meet new, interesting and exciting people in all walks of life.

In a Hope to further my career in photography I have developed this website to announce myself to people and show them what I can do and hopefully put my name out there for any work you may have to offer, I also examine others work and give them any feedback on projects of their own.

My work ranges from modeling portfolios and band promotion work, sport photography, weddings and other special days that you would like to be forever recorded as a memory that you can share with those around you.

I also deal with anything in between, drop me a line, contact me, and leave a few details of what you would like me to work on for you. We can then begin to discuss any other details you may like to include and from there devise a plan of action and give you the results you want.

I am also looking for models for my own personal portfolio; more information on this can be found on the Wanted page.

For some jobs I do charge a small fee, literally a fraction of what other professional photographers will charge you. Depending on the events, but that can all be arranged in the discussion and planning at a later stage. 

I like a challenge, so no project is too big or too small for me.
